FaxPress WebHelp: Admin Guide > Archiving Faxes > Configuring the FaxPress Archive

Configuring the FaxPress Archive

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At the completion of the installation process the FaxPress Archive install program will automatically launch the configuration program. However, you can also launch the FaxPress Archive configuration program through FaxPress, by selecting FaxPress Archive Configuration, or by clicking the Configure button in the Storage Reclamation tab of the Server Properties Dialog Box, as described in Storage Reclamation .

Select Mode

1. The first screen displayed after the FaxPress Archive service is installed is the Mode of Operation screen.

Select the mode in which the archive database will be used:

Back-Up: In this mode, the faxes in the archive can only be accessed by FaxPress supervisors.
On-Line Storage This mode allows all FaxPress users to access their own archived faxes through FaxPress.
2. Click Next>.

Select Database

1. When archiving faxes, FaxPress Archive generates fax archive information data. This data and the transaction log files (if selected for archival) is stored in a database for subsequent archive retrieval operations. The Database Selection dialog box prompts you to select the type of database to use archive data storage.
SQL Database Server: Use this selection if an MS SQL Server is available. This will give users the performance, reliability and security that are available with the database server.
Microsoft Access database: Use this option if you want to use an Access database, or if you do not have access to a relational database server. An installation of the Microsoft Access program is not required. A new database file with the appropriate tables will be created by the installation process.

The FaxPress supervisor can at anytime use the FaxPress Archive configuration program to specify a different database, but the information from the old database will not be imported into the new one. For more information refer to Updating FaxPress Archive.

2. Proceed to either the Configure Microsoft Access Database or Configure MS SQL Database section below.

Configure Microsoft Access Database

To use a Microsoft Access database for storage of the archive information data performing the following steps:

1. If you selected Microsoft Access in step 1 in Select Database, the Select New or Existing Database dialog screen is displayed.
2. Select Connect to an Existing FaxPress Archive database. If an archive database already exists and you just want to change other parameters unrelated to the database.
3. Or, select Create a New Database: to create a new Access database.

The new Access database will be located in a new directory named Archive\Database in the FaxPress server root directory. The archived faxes will be located under Archive\Faxes.

For example:


Configure MS SQL Database

1. If the SQL Database Server option is selected, the ODBC DSN dialog box will be displayed.

The current ODBC connect string will be displayed in the edit box. The connect string is generated automatically when a DSN is selected and a connection to the server is successful.

2. If a DSN is not displayed or you want to select an alternate DSN, click the Browse button to launch the ODBC Data Source Administrator and select a different existing DSN or to create a new one.

Continue FaxPress Archive Configuration...

After you have selected a database, the FaxPress Archive wizard will finish the configuration process by prompting you for FaxPress Server selection and to select archiving properties.

1. Select the FaxPress server you want to archive in the FaxPress Selection dialog box.

The list of available FaxPress servers is displayed in the left column. Transfer them to the right column by double clicking a server, by highlighting a server and clicking the Add > button, or select all by click the Add All>> button.

2. Select Next>.

If multiple FaxPress servers are selected, the servers must all be installed under the same Castelle directory. Only FaxPress 6.x and above servers can be selected for archive.

3. The Fax Archive Location information screen shows you the location where the archived faxes are stored.
4. The Sent Faxes Archive dialog box configures the options for outgoing faxes.
Archive Sent Faxes: If you select this option, all successful and failed faxes will be archived.
Do not archive faxes that have been sent successfully : If you select this option, successful faxes will not be archived.

If you choose to archive sent faxes, the FaxPress server Advanced parameters will automatically be set to Keep Sent Faxes. Otherwise, the sent faxes are automatically removed from the outgoing queue after a successful transmission. See Advanced Functions for more information

5. The Archiving Received Faxes dialog boxes allows you to archive received faxes.
a. Archive received faxes: This option specifies whether to archive received faxes or not. If this option is checked, then received faxes will be archived. Otherwise, received faxes will not be archived.
b. Do not archive received faxes that have not been viewed: This option specifies whether to archived unviewed faxes or not. If this option is checked, then all unviewed faxes will not be archived. Otherwise, all faxes will be archived.

Archived faxes get deleted from the Incoming Fax Queue, therefore, they will only be visible to the user through the Archived received faxes folder in FaxPress. This is only available if the on-line mode is selected.

c. Do not archive un-addressed faxes: This option specifies that all faxes in the un-addressed incoming queue are not archived. Archived faxes are deleted from the FaxPress queue so it would be impossible to route faxes afterwards. This option prevents un-addressed faxes from being archived until after they are routed. After they are routed, archiving options selected in a, b, and d are enforced.
d. Archive received faxes older then x days: This specifies how long a fax must be in the incoming queue before it is archived. This ensures that a fax is in the incoming queue for a certain amount of time before it is moved into the archive.
6. Archiving Transaction Logs dialog box allows you to archive transaction logs.

This option turns transaction log archival on or off. This includes both transmitted and received logs. There is no option to specify one or the other.

FaxPress transaction logs are not deleted at the completion of the archive process.

7. The Archive Options dialog box allows you to select the archive storage format for your faxes and the user name and password for accessing your archive database.
a. What file format should the faxes be stored: Options for file format include DCX or TIFF. TIFF files are usually smaller than DCX files.
b. Encrypt archived faxes: Select this option to encrypt the archived faxes. Faxes are stored as DCX or TIFF files on the file server. Encryption prevents these files from being viewed without the proper password and decryption.
Password: Specify a password to be used in the encryption of the faxes. If you are using a Microsoft Access database to store the archived fax information, this password is also used to protect the Access database. The Access database file can be accessed by everyone with permission to the database directory. Specifying a password will prevent the entire contents of Access database from being viewed without the proper password. The password can only be specified once. It cannot be changed once the configurator is finished.
8. The Specifying an Archival Schedule window allows you to specify when and how often the archive program will run.
Run FaxPress Archive every: Choose this option to run the archive program periodically. The interval can be specified next to this option. Intervals are specified by hours and minutes. Choose an interval that is appropriate. This option is recommended when you have chosen to use FaxPress Archive in on-line mode in step 1.
Run FaxPress Archive once a day at: Choose this option to run the archive program once a day. The time can be specified next to this option. Choose a time when there is minimal workload on the FaxPress server. The option is recommended when you have chosen to use FaxPress Archive in the backup mode in step 1.
9. The Purging Archive Faxes dialog box allows you to select options regarding purging of old archived faxes.

FaxPress Archive automatically deletes archived faxes from the FaxPress Queues. Purging of Archive faxes applies to faxes in the Archived Transmitted or Received Faxes folder in FaxPress.

Purging should be enable if the archived faxes are not required to be kept permanently or to prevent the database and disk space usage from growing too large. Purging will remove the records from the database and the actual fax files will be deleted.

Purge Sent Faxes: Enable this option to purge sent faxes. All sent faxes that are older than the number of days specified will be deleted.
Purge Received Faxes: Enable this option to purge received faxes. All received faxes that are older than the number of days specified will be deleted. This will purge the records for all FaxPress users.
10. The next two screens are information pages. Once the configurator is finished, the settings are saved to the registry and to the FaxPress servers. If a new Access database is selected, a new Access database is created with the archive tables. If a DBMS server is selected, the tables are created in the default database. If the tables already exist in the database, then the tables are verified to ensure the correct format. The tables are also verified if an existing Access database is selected. If the archive program is already running, it must be restarted for the changes to take effect.

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Last Updated: 9/12/2007

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